

Of Aztec origin and cultivated in Central and South America, this "fat" fruit is very rich in nutritional properties. Today it is also cultivated in Italy, in Sicily in particular, reducing the kilometers that the avocado must travel to reach our tables. If you want to learn more about the properties of avocado, which make it an excellent food to be included in diets, especially vegetarian, you can read these articles: http://mangiarebuono.it/storia-ricette-dellavocado-un-frutto-dalle-mille-virtu/#:~:text=L'avocado%20%C3%A8%20un%20frutto,e%20ricco%20di%20importanti%20nutrienti. https://www.cure-naturali.it/enciclopedia-naturale/alimentazione/nutrizione/avocado.html

Recipes with Avocado

Cookeneim is a cooking project from Francesca Luise - Venice, Italy.

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